As you may possibly already have ascertained from the numerous other posts on this site, my name is Walter Joshua Scott.
I live in a certain state that is much too hot for my liking (Although that heat has decreased greatly since a certain unique flower was removed from my presence).
I write for a living, despite the fact this blog is a non-profit.
I have chosen not to tell you my age, so as to avoid embarrassment.
I am considered naive by most of my friends, and for good reason.
I have an addiction to literature.
And I dance to the music in my head.
All of these things are an integral part of who I am. To take away one of these traits or any of the others would result in an incomplete creation. That is to say, without all of these pieces, I am less than myself. I am little more than a shadow, having animation but lacking purpose.
Everything about me combines to make (I fervently hope) a completely unique human being. And yet I cannot take the credit for who I am. Ultimately of course, that honor belongs to my Savior and Creator. But on a much more personal level. it our friends and family that influence us most. Those who are close to us have an incredibly powerful effect on us, greater than any else you can find.
God has placed every single person I know in my life for a reason. Some affect me positively: others do not. But each encounter and every friendship has helped me to move forward along this great road we call life, to better myself in the eyes of both God and men.
So tonight, this post is for every friend I've ever had, every family memeber I've got, and everyone else that has played a part in making me who I am today. To those that don't have a place in this post, please don't feel slighted. "For those who come last will be first, and the first shall surely be last."
So, in effect I'm really cursing the persons I'm about to thank. Intriguing.
(All names have been changed to protect the privacy of the individual, blah blah blah.)
First off, there's the brother and sister team, Falamor and Booky. Despite the miles that separate us, they've never seemed to have a problem with being the oldest friends I've got. These kids are never scared to talk, ready to laugh with you one minute and hold you while you cry the next. Their patience and love is unbounding, coupled with a great sense of humor and (Even thought they'll never admit it) the lion's share of intellectual abilities. No matter where my life takes me, this pair'll never be but a phone call away.
Next, there's PnkStrings. I'm not going to lie to you: our relationship has been rocky at times. But I'll guarantee you, you'll never find a guy more devoted to what he truly loves. Although he's no pushover, his greatest weapon has always been his razor-sharp wit: there's not a thing you can say without him having a snappy comeback. And even though he cultivates an exterior of cool, collected toughness, when it really gets down to it he's compassionate and understanding, always willing to offer advice.
And last but not least, there's Rosie Cotton. (Yes, I used a character from Lord of the Rings: my apologies John.) Full to the brim with joyful exuberance, this exotic flower radiates peace like a generator. She's always ready to share her wisdom with those ready to listen, and never fails to love the unlovable. No matter what the circumstances, I know I can talk to her about anything, with no fear of ridicule or judgement. And she always has something encouraging to say, bolstering the faint-hearted and lifting up the fallen. But besides all those amazing traits, she's just plain fun to be around.
The list could go on forever, but I'll stop here. And so comes my final word:
Friends: I love all of you more than words can express. Some people (PnkStrings) may cringe at my use of that word, but it's true. I would sacrifice anything for any of you, and I'll never leave your side. I might let you down, but I won't let you go.
I shall now take my leave, before I start to cry. Farewell.
Walter J. Scott
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Real Men - Part One: The Cheeky Truth
Hello All,
Well, the world’s most controversial author is back! Mr. Scott asked me not to apologize for his absence. Apparently, he wishes to reconcile himself in person. I can only shudder at how that will turn out.
Before I turn the mike over to our cosmopolitan friend, I wish to make one of my boring administrative announcements: At the end of September, the http:/ address for this blog will change from http:/ to http:/ Most likely, the infinitely wise and powerful owners of this server have a contingency for such a thing, but I felt I should let everybody know.
That is all from my corner! Now, on to our mutual friend.
Corey L. Megran
Hello Dear Reader
I hope you’ve all been doing well in my absence. Lately I’ve become quite lazy, content to sit about and waste my time on activities that have no real benefit or meaning. But no longer! I refuse to waste my, if nothing else, interesting life on trivialities and nonsense.
Now, that could be all I planned on lecturing you about tonight, dear reader, but that is not the case. Tonight I am calling out to every man on the face of this planet, young or old. To those who still feel a fire in their soul, and yet let it die when they find no reason to keep it lit. To those who feel a driving desire, no, a need to fight, to stand up for what they believe in, only to see their efforts ruthlessly crushed by those around you.
If this is you, I believe you may want to listen to what I have to say tonight.
One of the most oft-quoted verses in the Bible is Matthew 5:39: “But whoever slaps you on the right cheek, turn the other to him also.” While this verse certainly has a powerful face value, most of us simply take that and move on. But there’s much more to it than meets the eye.
Apparently, this verse is telling us to never use violence, even if someone offends us. And yet, Jesus drove merchants and salesmen out of the Temple with a whip! I don’t know about you, but that’s pretty violent to me. And yet you want me to believe that Jesus wants us to be peaceful pushovers, a doormat for the rest of the world? I don’t think so.
Jesus was perfect: he never sinned. So obviously, what he did was right. “But… we’re supposed to turn the other cheek!” us believers splutter indignantly. And you’re right. We are supposed to turn the cheek. But you can’t turn a cheek you don’t have. The church today uses that verse to shape the lifestyles of the men that it influences. But then, when we give up our passionate ways, it mourns the loss of manhood! “I thought this is what you wanted from me!” we moan, no longer capable of even becoming indignant.
Which leads me to my final point: when God created men, He gifted us with the amazing qualities of strength, courage, and love. And with those came a responsibility: to use those qualities to protect, not attack. To give, not to take. To provide, not consume. To build up, not tear down. To have courage, not just bravado.
Men were created to be protectors, unmovable pillars of faith and love. Yes, we live in a fallen world, and sticking to these ideals is never going to easy, but do you drop something just because it’s hard? Certainly not! Rather you stick to the straight and narrow path. Jesus never promised it would be easy. John 16:33 says, “For in this world you will face adversity, but be of good cheer! I have overcome the world.” The path is narrow, but the way is straight and the destination perfect.
So, armed with this knowledge, let us march forth with renewed courage and faith into this spiritual battlefield before us. And let this be our resolution: that we shall fight our enemies, not with blows and thoughtless words, but with the wisdom and love of our Lord Jesus Christ, the greatest man that ever lived. Amen.
To some of you, this probably caused great indignation. To think, an immature teenager would dare speak to his elders like that! And maybe you’re right. Perhaps I was out of line. But this is something I am… he-hem… quite passionate about. I am proud that I can still be passionate, and I don’t plan on losing it.
To others, this is little more than an annoyance. Just another loud-mouth Christian forcing their opinion on others. But please, if you hear nothing else, hear this: if every man on the face of the planet followed these ideals, there would be almost no crime, no broken families, no teenage mothers, no girls forced into prostitution, no fatherless children, and no greedy consumer companies. You don’t have to believe in God for this to work: there aren’t any strings attached. Just think about it.
And finally, for some of you, something in your heart stirred as you read these words. If so, I ask only this: don’t waste what you’ve heard. God has a plan for you, and I highly doubt it includes you bending before the forces of the Devil. Don’t be ashamed of your desire to fight for what you love. We are warriors for a King, mighty and proud, reveling in His glory and majesty. And there is no shame in that.
I hope I haven’t bored you, dear reader. My next post shall, I think, be directed more towards my peers, but all should find it, if nothing else, interesting.
Until then, dear reader, I remain,
Your humble servant,
Walter J. Scott
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