Monday, November 14, 2011

A Word From the Editor... Again

Hello All
In the words of the immortal Jar-Jar Binks, "Meesa back!"
In a fashion at least.
Unfortunately, I have nothing to say for myself. In those tiny snatches of time where I can actually write, my attention has been diverted from blogging to a project of a much more personal nature. So, to keep you all from deserting me in disgust, I have yet another peice from the editor. Mr. Megran's schoolwork, coupled with his until-recently-busy schedule has kept him hopping from event to event. But no one ever said there is nothing to be gained from honest labor! Here is his latest project. Please enjoy.
Walter J. Scott

There are a lot of things I wish I could change about myself. Some are physical, some mental, some emotional, and some spiritual. Each one is a veritable mountain in my mind, a horrific scar that refuses to be ignored.
Sometimes I wish I wasn’t such a thin switch of a boy, or that my acne wasn’t so bad. I wish I had more muscle, or at least something to put on this bony frame.
Sometimes I wish I hadn’t perverted my mind with all the crap I used to. I wish I was strong enough to banish my addictions forever.
Sometimes I wish I was more tactful, or understanding. I wish I could teach myself to care less about me, and more about those around me.
And sometimes I wish I didn’t have such a desire for complete and utter control over my life. I wish I could sit back and trust that God can take care of anything in my path, no matter how big or small.
And yet, I am created in the image of God. He formed me from the foundations of the universe, before the earth was even imagined. I am precious to Him exactly the way I am.
God loves my ridiculous physique that allows me to dance across the soccer field.
God loves my testimony that I can use to lead others to him.
God loves my awkwardness, and my protective instincts.
And God loves my elevator-style faith: sometimes up, sometimes down, but always in the shaft.
All my quirks, all my faults, all my flaws and petty struggles: He loves them all. He made me this way, and He obviously has a purpose for me, despite these imperfections. For in my weakness, He is made strong. And in my shame, He is given glory.
In this perfect truth, I am content.

1 comment:

  1. This is so well written! Everyone struggles with failing to live up to the world's impossible standards and, more than that, with feeling like we've failed as a Christian. But we're all EXACTLY how and where God wants us to be. And if it makes you feel any better, you really are not a "thin switch." It's called being tall. ;)
